Refund Policy

Monthly Service Contract

Clients subscribing to our services on a monthly billing basis are required to enter into a two-year contract. Clients have the option to cancel their monthly subscription at any time. However, refunds are not available once services under this contract have commenced.

Upfront Payment Option

Clients who choose to pay upfront for our services have the option to continue paying a monthly fee for additional SEO and marketing services after their website and CRM setup. Clients have the option to cancel their monthly subscription at any time. However, refunds are not available once services commence post-upfront payment.

Cancellation Procedure

To cancel services, clients must submit a written request to our customer service team at The request must include relevant account details and the reason for cancellation.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our Opting Out Policy, please contact us at or call us at 844-930-1337.

Last Update: June 2024
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